
How to Conduct an Interview

On the discussion of entertainment jobs there is ample amount of jobs to choose from one of them being journalism. A big part of a journalist job is getting the story. This means being there and getting information through interviews and other methods. In entertainment this is a big part of the job because just seeing the movie or listening to the album sometimes isn’t enough. So in this post I will tell you how to conduct an interview. First of all don’t be scared. When going into your first interview you can be nervous by all the mistakes you can make. What if they won’t answer any of my questions, what if they just don’t show up and I don’t get the information I need. That’s okay because you’re interviewee is probably nervous too. Even if it is BeyoncĂ©, they are nervous about the information you seek. Next be prepared . You want to have everything you need to conduct the interview. That means in information too. Do you research and know everything you need to know about ...

Catcher in the Rye Review

The Catcher in the Rye is 1951 book written by J.D. Salinger. The book was published for adults at first, but as it has come along has been more popular in teens.  The book is about a 16-year-old boy names Holden Caulfield. He is kicked out of his prep school that is something that he has a reputation for doing. Over the course of three days Caulfield goes through an adventure in the streets of New York.  In his wanderings the boy encounters many people that in his search to find true people and his true self. He hopelessly finds endless phonies in his roommate, prostitutes, teachers and pimps. The only true person he seems to finds in his 10-year-old little sister, Phoebe.   He contemplates his life in many ways and tries to compensate with alcohol and girls, but never seems to fill the void. He feels guilty for not being the one to die instead of his brother who died of  leukemia. In the end he finds solace in his little sister and instead of going w...

Getting into Radio

As we continue to talk about entertainment and all variations of this I think there is one that I have been leaving out. Recently I have been working with a with a public radio station and it has been eye opening to the entire platform.  A lot of people think that radio is just the local music channel you listen to. This channel play music and commercials and might talk every once in a while. While that is a type of radio that is not all radio is.  Public radio is news and interesting stories that you can listen to. They have everything that happening now all around the country and internationally. They also have interesting stories about prisons, ticks and convicts. Its like Facebook to your ears.  The process of public radio is also very hard, but also very cool. As an intern I do stories that air in a special segment. Though this is only one type journalism it works about the same way. You find a story, you go after the story, you get the story...

How To Get Start With Comics

As I continue to talk about comics and what is happening with the in the entertainment with them, I thought it would nice to help those of you who are just getting in to comics. In this post I will tell you my way of getting into comics.  1. First you want to pick a direct character.  Whether is be the Flash or Iron Man you need to pick a place of jumping into these stories. Most of the stories are intertwined with other characters and groups like Justice League and Avengers. Even though this may not be the only character you want to follow, its good to find a starting place because these stories have a lot of twist and turns. These comics have also been going on for a very long time and have changed with the times. So your character might have different people that take the name and you need to be specific on what or who you want to follow. So for Flash you have to pick between Jay Garrick, Barry Allen and Wally West to pick which The Flash you want to follow. ...

Wonder Woman and Feminism

With the recent release of the Wonder Woman movie, I only find it right to give a reason of why this is such a big deal.  Wonder Woman was created as a figure of the feminist move and has been fight for a spot on the big screen for years. She has been in comic since 1942 and this her only film on the big screen. As the figure of Feminism Wonder Woman has been through her ups and down in a world of men. Her outfit, origin, powers and equipment have all gone through changes because of this. Censorship and sexism is the only way to put it when talking about why this has happened.  Through the years some things have stayed the same for the most part. She is borne of the Amazon Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons. She was raised on Paradise Island and only left when her love interest Steve Trevor and learned of the unforgiving world that we live in. She is Princess Diana of Themyscira, but goes by the alias Diana Prince.  Though she has been in many anima...

Wonder Woman Review SPOILERS

Going into seeing Wonder Woman I wasn’t expecting much. I didn’t want to get my hopes up and be devastated with it like I had with many of DC’s other movies. But I was happily surprised with the movie. It was a great origin story with an adorable baby Diana that led all the way into adorable adult Diana. The movie gave a great origin story that was much overdue. Wonder Woman has come a long way from the sexist world she was created in. Though there has been many comics and she played big part in the animated series, she has never seen the big screen.  Now that she has it was worth the wait to have it done the right way. You see Diana thrust herself into the world of man and learn that everything isn’t as she been told by her mother. She learns also from her love interest, Steve Trevor that man might not be perfect, but they do deserve to be saved. The action scenes were great. Clad with her armor of bullet deflecting bracelets of submission, breast plate and ...

The Dangers of Binging

Binging is the act of watching multiple episodes of a series at once. It has become a trend and a hobby to binge watch series. From Grey’s Anatomy to Adventure Time binge watching is now easy and accessible, but has it become a problem. Binging shows has become a big part of everyone’s lives. Some people do it as a family, with friends or alone, but staring a screen for so long has to have some effect right? Binge watching has the obvious problem of keep people in all day. Laying on a couch or bed watching a television or laptop screen doesn’t seem like a healthy thing to do. This is usually accompanied with junk food, popcorn, chips and chocolate. In fact it has been found that binge watching as a young adult can be link to lower brain functioning problem early on. This was in a 2015 article of Time magazine . In a study in Northern California Institute for Research and Education showed 18-30 year olds who watching more than three hours a day had the worst cognitive funct...